The Trump administration is moving forward with an Obama-era initiative requiring certain food establishments to list calorie information
Continue Reading FDA releases new guidance on menu labeling rule
Commentary on Business and Legal Issues of Franchising
The Trump administration is moving forward with an Obama-era initiative requiring certain food establishments to list calorie information…
Continue Reading FDA releases new guidance on menu labeling rule
Over two years ago, on December 1, 2014, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (“FDA”) published a food labeling …
Continue Reading Enforcement is on the Menu: May 5, 2017 is the Deadline to Comply with Menu Labeling Rules
Unless you were living under a rock last week, you are probably already aware of the Supreme Court’s activities. In King v. Burwell, the Supreme Court denied a challenge…
Continue Reading Supreme Court Ends Terms With Two Significant Rulings that Affect Employer Policies
On January 8 2015, the US House of Representatives passed H.R. 30, the Save American Workers Act, with a final vote of 252-172. The bill, which would reform the…
Continue Reading House Passes “40 Hour” Legislation to Modify the Affordable Care Act
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration recently released two long awaited food labeling rules. The first requires “chain” restaurants and similar retail food establishments to list calorie information on menus…
Continue Reading Dishing the Details: FAQs for the FDA’s Final Menu Labeling Rules for Restaurants
In its continuing efforts to provide guidance on the twice-delayed Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) provisions, the…
Continue Reading Get Your New ACA (aka Obamacare) Guidance Right Here
On April 3, the House of Representatives passed the “Save American Workers Act”, which modifies the definition of “full-time worker” under the Affordable Care Act from 30 hours to 40…
Continue Reading With the Affordable Care Act (aka Obamacare) Now Live, Efforts Made to Apply Fixes
Contributed by Daniel N. Kuperstein
On November 14, 2013, the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) effectuated a transitional relief policy, allowing non-grandfathered health insurance plans to remain in…
Continue Reading Individuals and Small Businesses May Be Allowed to Keep Their Health Insurance Plans under the ACA