In a move welcomed by employers nationwide, a federal court judge in Texas has vacated the National Labor Relations Board’s proposed joint employer rule.

Commentary on Business and Legal Issues of Franchising
In a move welcomed by employers nationwide, a federal court judge in Texas has vacated the National Labor Relations Board’s proposed joint employer rule.
In a matter of first impression, the Supreme Court of New York held that protections afforded to beer wholesalers under the New York Alcoholic Beverage Control Law (“NY ABC Law”)…
Continue Reading WARNING! Replacement Importers May Be “Successor to a Brewer” under New York LawOn May 11, 2023, the federal district court in Rapid City, South Dakota, concluded that the South Dakota motor vehicle dealer law did not provide an exclusive list of “good…
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And so we come to the ultimate affront to franchising. Responding to strong lobbying efforts by the Service Employees International Union…
Continue Reading CALIFORNIA’S TECTONIC PLATES SHIFT — Part IIIThe Joint Employment Conundrum
Signed into law on September 18, 2019 by Governor Gavin Newsom, Assembly Bill 5 (commonly known as AB-5), took effect on January 1, 2020. AB-5 codified…
Continue Reading CALIFORNIA’S TECTONIC PLATES SHIFT — Part IIA San Andreas Fault for Franchising
“California’s falling into the ocean!” Growing up in Southern California I heard that every time we had an earthquake. Usually, though, all I had…
Continue Reading CALIFORNIA’S TECTONIC PLATES SHIFT — Part IThe right to rescind (or void) a contract is an extraordinary remedy. However, as franchise lawyers know, certain states provide franchisees a right to rescind a franchise agreement in certain…
Continue Reading Unintended Consequences of Franchise Rescission RightsThe recent case of Rhine Enters v. Refresco Beverage out of the federal district court of the Southern District of Illinois should be a reminder to licensors and manufacturers…
Continue Reading Recent Illinois Case A Reminder of Broad Scope of “Franchise Fee” ElementThe franchise case begins with a quote of movie mogul, Samuel Goldwyn, “A verbal contract isn’t worth the paper its written on.” Goldwyn’s truism regarding contract law is remembered in…
Continue Reading THE VALUE OF ORAL CONTRACTS“Danger, Danger Will Robinson!” That was the warning of the guardian robot in the 60’s television show, Lost in Space. Intellectual property lawyers are giving similar warnings when it comes…
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