Key Takeaway: A Texas federal judge issued a nationwide injunction, but it was stayed by an appeals court. Now that stay has been lifted — so the injunction is in
Continue Reading After a Dizzying Series of Court Twists, the CTA is Halted. Again!Commentary on Business and Legal Issues of Franchising
Key Takeaway: A Texas federal judge issued a nationwide injunction, but it was stayed by an appeals court. Now that stay has been lifted — so the injunction is in…
Continue Reading After a Dizzying Series of Court Twists, the CTA is Halted. Again!If you own or operate a franchised restaurant, or are a franchisor of franchised restaurants, simply keeping your business operating smoothly is a lot of work. Food ordering, managing schedules…
Continue Reading Helpful Tax Tips for Restaurant OwnersThe Securities Division of the Indiana Secretary of State issued a press release this week announcing that it filed an administrative complaint against Florida based Mac and Cheese Franchise Operations…
Continue Reading Action by Indiana Securities Division Reminds Franchisors to Watch Those Item 7 Estimated Initial Investment NumbersYou are an entrepreneur. You created, founded and currently operate a successful and vibrant business. Perhaps customers, family members, or friends are loyal fans of your brand and are approaching…
Continue Reading Is it time to Franchise My Business – Part I?This week the Washington Securities Division announced that it is considering an amendment to the Washington Administrative Code (“WAC”) to formally adopt the Statement of Policy Regarding the Use of…
Continue Reading Washington Moves to Adopt NASAA SOPThis fall we posted about the North American Securities Administrators’ (NASAA) adoption of a Statement of Policy Regarding the Use of Franchise Questionnaires and Acknowledgments (the “SOP”). Technically, NASAA’s SOP…
Continue Reading Update: This New Year’s Eve say Auld Lang Syne to Old Franchise Questionnaires and AcknowledgementsGuest Post by Odia Kagan
You may think that, unless your website is specifically intended for kids, you don’t need to worry about the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act of…
Continue Reading FTC Fines Epic Games $520 Million: What You Need to KnowAs expected, the majority of this year’s State Regulatory Update Workshop at the Annual ABA Forum on Franchising Annual Meeting in San Diego, focused on the new NASAA Statement…
Continue Reading Don’t Forget to Check Your Auditor’s Certification Before Franchise Renewal Time!Contributed by Marissa Koblitz Kingman
The U.S. Department of Justice has recently begun charging defendants with bank fraud in relation to Paycheck Protection Program loans as part of its continuing…
Continue Reading It’s Right to Be Concerned about Making Sure PPP Funds Were Used Properly (The DOJ Is Looking for Bank Fraud)
On September 28, 2021, Fox Rothschild partner Craig Tractenberg with Rochelle Spandorf from Davis Wright Tremaine LLP provided perspectives on drafting licenses and distribution agreements respecting the evergreen issue of…
Continue Reading The Accidental Franchise: An Evergreen Issue