Fox Rothschild LLP has deployed a new mobile app to assist companies, including franchisors, as they rush to comply with the European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) – a
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Startup and Emerging Franchisors
FDA releases new guidance on menu labeling rule

The Trump administration is moving forward with an Obama-era initiative requiring certain food establishments to list calorie information…
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Save Local Business Act moves one step closer to limiting joint employer liability
The U.S. House Committee on Education and the Workforce recently approved the “Save Local Business Act” (HR 3441 – Byrne). If enacted, the Act would limit joint employer…
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Drafting Matters: When non-competes and renewal provisions collide
If a franchisor waives the non-compete provision in its current franchise agreement, can it enforce a non-compete when the franchise agreement is renewed? According to a recent decision by the…
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Massive Ransomware Attack WannaCry Spreads Worldwide

This past Friday, May 12th, ransomware known as WannaCry (also known as WannaCrypt or WCry) spread throughout the world…
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Rhode Island amends franchise disclosure and advertising requirements
Franchisors offering and selling franchises in Rhode Island should take note of recent amendments to Rhode Island’s Franchise Investment Act:
Disclosure Requirements
Franchisors must now provide prospects with an FDD…
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Franchising a Marijuana Concept? More Sticky Issues to Ponder
The Winter Edition of the Franchise Law Journal published an interesting article on franchising a marijuana business. We have posted in the past about various legal issues related to concepts…
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Internet Tax Freedom now the law of the land
In a recent blog, we reported that the Senate joined the House in passing the Internet Tax Freedom Act (“ITFA”), a permanent ban on state and local governments taxing …
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Dodging another legal patchwork: Congress approves permanent Internet tax ban

The Senate recently joined the House in approving a permanent ban on state and local governments taxing Internet access. …
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More Franchise Insurance Issues You Need To Consider (Part Two)
In my last post, I outlined some practice pointers and issues to consider when addressing a franchise system’s typically universal requirement to add the franchisor as an additional insured under…
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