By now you’ve probably heard that the Federal Trade Commission (“FTC”) adopted a new rule severely restricting the use of non-compete agreements in the United States. You also might have
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Washington Moves to Adopt NASAA SOP
This week the Washington Securities Division announced that it is considering an amendment to the Washington Administrative Code (“WAC”) to formally adopt the Statement of Policy Regarding the Use of…
Continue Reading Washington Moves to Adopt NASAA SOPCALIFORNIA’S TECTONIC PLATES SHIFT — Part I
A San Andreas Fault for Franchising
“California’s falling into the ocean!” Growing up in Southern California I heard that every time we had an earthquake. Usually, though, all I had…
Continue Reading CALIFORNIA’S TECTONIC PLATES SHIFT — Part IRecent Illinois Case A Reminder of Broad Scope of “Franchise Fee” Element
The recent case of Rhine Enters v. Refresco Beverage out of the federal district court of the Southern District of Illinois should be a reminder to licensors and manufacturers…
Continue Reading Recent Illinois Case A Reminder of Broad Scope of “Franchise Fee” ElementDurational Residency Requirements for Liquor Licensees: Closing Time?
Today, we welcome guest author Elizabeth G. Hodgson from our Exton, PA office. Elizabeth represents clients in a variety of industries, including food and beverage, Pennsylvania liquor licensing, startup and …
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Sign Me Up! How To Waive the Notary Requirement for International Franchisors
International franchisors inbound into the U.S. face a complex set of business decisions and legal regulations. Even seemingly simple tasks–like properly executing a franchise registration application–can become a time-consuming and…
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FDA releases new guidance on menu labeling rule
The Trump administration is moving forward with an Obama-era initiative requiring certain food establishments to list calorie information…
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At the buzzer: FDA (again) extends compliance deadline for menu labeling rules
Just four days shy of the enforcement deadline, the FDA extended the date for restaurants and similar retail food…
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Enforcement is on the Menu: May 5, 2017 is the Deadline to Comply with Menu Labeling Rules
Over two years ago, on December 1, 2014, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (“FDA”) published a food labeling …
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Dodging another legal patchwork: Congress approves permanent Internet tax ban
The Senate recently joined the House in approving a permanent ban on state and local governments taxing Internet access. …
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